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150th Comic(by: Pez-Man)
Just put up the 150th comic! Aren't you all proud? Enjoy.
Friday, January 14 2005 14:22 UTC

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I know no one reads this...(by: Pez-Man)
But, apparently, Project Comics, the fourth voting site, doesn't like me and has removed my account. Not sure why, maybe a mistake, or something. For now, I'll leave the button up, but don't bother using it. The second voting site, BuzzComix, is still up, their picture is just temporarily broken. You guys can still vote there!
Thursday, January 13 2005 16:18 UTC

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Chicken!(by: Pez-Man)
Tuesday, January 11 2005 16:28 UTC

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NEW LAPTOP!(by: Kamui)
Wheeee! I have a new laptop now! And it'll allow me to be able to start updating again... I just have to get my site copied back to my computer (which should be an easy task) and then I can start doing stuff with it again... I also have to go around collecting sprite sheets to use for the comics again... Ah well.... It'll all work out :P
Monday, January 10 2005 00:00 UTC

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How much sushi can you eat?(by: Pez-Man)
Not as much as new comic are.
Saturday, January 8 2005 14:57 UTC

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Woot!(by: Pez-Man)
Magi-nation was fun, for a while. Only had 80 something cards, so I really couldn't get into the game much. But, new comic!
Wednesday, January 5 2005 16:13 UTC

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All tyrannical leaders kiss babies!(by: Pez-Man)
New comic! Lots of mysterious action!
Sunday, January 2 2005 16:49 UTC

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Not thy hits!(by: Pez-Man)
Comic 70! Walk, run, hop, skip, fly, glide, or teleport to the comic menu and read it!
Thursday, December 30 2004 15:49 UTC

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Chocolate Orange(by: Pez-Man)
Monday, December 27 2004 20:40 UTC

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When Christmas Attacks!(by: Pez-Man)
Happy holidays to all. Merry/Happy/Good Chrismahanakwanzaka to you! I probably spelled that wrong, but that's okay! As a gift, I put up a new comic a day early. I'm not planning on making a Christmas special. Have fun, all.
Saturday, December 25 2004 02:24 UTC

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Er.... Uh... Kiwi?(by: Kamui)
I know that I wasn't really updating that much to begin with but.... I don't even have my computer and haven't had one for the past 3-4 weeks.... And it'll probably be another week or two before I get it back >_>;; So... Unfortunately it'll be awhile before I'll be able to update... but once I get my laptop back I'll try to get a big update done... I don't make any promises... but I'll try >_>;; ah well... Laters!
Friday, December 24 2004 04:35 UTC

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Not gonna get us!(by: Pez-Man)
La la la, comic!
Wednesday, December 22 2004 14:48 UTC

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Anti-Pez!(by: Pez-Man)
New comic! I guess someone out there is against crappy recolors! Click on the comic above to go see Proto-Zach's comic. The strip I used is his second strip, and is probably copyrighted by him. Probably.
Sunday, December 19 2004 19:36 UTC

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Swiss Cheese(by: Pez-Man)
New comic, and it's all good.
Thursday, December 16 2004 18:55 UTC

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That's a Reel Big Fish!(by: Pez-Man)
Episode something or other is up. Put up two new top sites, the big, blue one is a vote site, and the online comics one is just a way to get more attention, which has gotten two new readers! TWO! Also, I added some thing to the bottom of the link page. Enjoy.
Monday, December 13 2004 15:40 UTC

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